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< Bannergress: Add-on
plugin version (by DanielOnDiordna)
Bannergress is a great website, but sometimes there are user requests that cannot yet be implemented by the designers.
With this plugin the website will get some of that extra functionality, and you can decide for yourself if you want to use this.
Get the plugin from this page .
Plugin preferences:
Apply mobile friendly styles
Show filters for My Lists, Browse, Map, Search and Agent lists
Remember last used Browse/Map locations for the Browse/Map buttons
Remember last search text
Add "My Lists" and "Banner" buttons in the main menu
Create Google Maps links inside Banner details Missions
Always automatically Sign In, if not signed in anymore
Add "My Banners" menu item if signed in, use a given agentname
If filters are used, the banner list items will still be downloaded in the background and will be hidden when loaded!
!!! Be aware that using these Plugin Filters will transfer very large amounts of Bannergress data !!!
The plugin was designed and tested to work with:
New My Lists icon button, direct access to the user pages (to-do, done, hidden)
New Banner icon button, direct access to the last visited banner
Buttons now return to the last used user page, browse page and map location
Show the Sign in button, if not signed in yet
Show a clear My Lists Preview title, if signed in
Show information about the My Lists button, if signed in
Always auto click sign in, if not signed in
My Lists:
Added a new My Lists button for easy access
Added filters: Offline, Partially offline, Online (not markerd as offline), Show offline banners required
Added a toggle button to show/hide the Banner Offline warning overlay
Added filters: Done, To-Do, Other (not marked as Done or To-Do), Sign in required
Added filters: Offline, Partially offline, Online (not markerd as offline), Show offline banners required
Added filter: Number of missions (choose min and max missions)
Added filter: Distance of all missions (choose min and max km)
Added an ALL button to clear all filters, mission count and distance settings
Added a link to show banners for agent using the search text
Added filters: Done, To-Do, Other (not marked as Done or To-Do), Sign in required
Map markers are also hidden if a filter is used
Numbers on markers are striked through if a filter is used
Banner list items:
Added a toggle button to show/hide the Banner offline overlay
Banner details:
Added a new Banner button for easy access
Added a message at the top "NO passphrase actions", or a bright yellow message "Passphrase actions:"
Added a toggle button to show/hide the Banner Offline warning overlay
Restore last opened tab
Restore last expanded missions
Always show top-menu with search and sign in button
Added Google Maps directions link (origin your location) for each mission (grouped in 10 portals)
Added Google Maps waypoints only link (origin first portal) for each mission (grouped in 10 portals)
Added distance details in meters and a sum of all expanded missions
Mobile friendly checkbox:
Make everything more compact, very practical for mobile users
Make bottom menu buttons a lot smaller
Shrink map controls buttons
Sort buttons are wrapped around
Also usable for for desktop users
added exact mission distance in meters for every expanded mission
added individual missions length (sum) in meters
added number of expanded missions and their total length (sum) in meters
added a calculated distance between missions
fixed distance filter a bit more
fixed the passphrase warning to support any browser language
fixed mission total detection to support any browser language
fixed distance filter to support comma and dot decimals to support any browser language
fixed distance filter for missions distances in meters and not km
added a filter limitation, to prevent to many bannegress server requests, using fade instead of hide
added information about how many banners are loaded, found, filtered and faded
added a full page of plugin information
added preferences to enable/disable parts of the plugin
compatible with Bannergress 2.3
added animated checkboxes like Bannergress
changed all timer based functions with content change event listeners
added a filter checkbox for Other, besides Done and To-Do
changed Offline and Partially Offline checkboxes color back to red
added separate filter storage settings for map, browse and my lists checkboxes
synced checkboxes below and beside the map (only visible when resizing the window) to do: make this smarter
added My Lists menu icon for quick access to user lists
added Banner menu icon for quick access to last visited banner
added store and restore Banner details last tab and expanded missions
added yellow passphrase warning in banner details view
added a text line-through numbers on the map markers if a part of the markers are hidden
added logic to keep always at least 1 checkbox enabled (done/todo/other and offline/partially/online)
added mobile friendly formatting and a checkbox to enable this
modified Browse page layout to always keep results left aligned
modified main buttons to remember last page for My Lists, Browse and Map
added a browse filter for amount of missions in a banner (6, 12, 18 etc)
added a browse filter for distance of missions in a banner (km)
added a toggle checkbox to show/hide the Banner Offline overlay
added Google Maps directions link (origin your location) for each mission (a link for every 10 portals)
added Google Maps waypoints only link (origin first portal) for each mission (a link for every 10 portals)
added auto sign in option
added My Banners menu item if signed in to quickly search for your banners
added option to remember last search text
added link to banners for agent in search results
bannergress offline filter checkbox disables/enables the plugin checkboxes for offline/online filters
reversed the function of the checkboxes from Hide to Show
added a separate Partially offline filter checkbox
added a message on the home page to inform you to sign in
functional fix: hiding offline banners now also hide Done/To-Do banners
bugfix: filters were not applied right away when clicking on countries and cities
added add-on checkboxes to Browse page
added a little info button with plugin info
added browse checkbox to hide banners marked as Done
added browse checkbox to hide banners marked as To-Do
added browse checkbox to hide banners marked as (partially) offline (banners with red warning)
added browse checkbox to hide banners marked as Online (except done, to-do and banners with red warnings)
added cursor pointers to checkbox labels
added matching color frames around the checkbox labels
detect if signed in/logged out to enable/disable the to-do and done checkboxes
also compatible with the Kiwi Browser/Tampermonkey for Android mobile users
bugfix: handling restore settings, when there is nothing stored, now works
first release, based on a plugin from j00rtje
added add-on checkboxes to Map page
added map checkbox to hide banners marked as Done
added map checkbox to hide banners marked as To-Do
added styles logic to hide map markers
added styles logic to hide banners from the list of banners in this area
used timers to detect map banners to apply and restore styles
settings are stored and restored from localStorage